Ankle injury in sport – recognise, treat and prevent it


We’ve all done it – rolled an ankle, it’s agony, quickly goes an impressive black and blue so you strap it up and sit on the sofa watching boxsets for a couple of days before resuming life and sport as if nothing had happened. But, in this episode we ask, should we all be taking ankle injuries more seriously?

In this episode listen in to your very own ankle injury consultation with sports surgeon Prof Gordon Mackay and Jennifer Reoch. Because it is such a common injury, not just in sport but in everyday life, we tend not to take ankle injury too seriously but this can cause problems and some more severe injuries can remain undiagnosed and untreated. The pair discuss how that is possible and why sometimes you can even return to high-level sport without realising the extent of the damage. So they discuss how to recognise this may be the case for you and knowing how and when to seek professional advice. 

They analyse the mechanics of the ankle joint, why is it so prone to injury, the sports that put it under the most pressure, and the different injuries that occur. They also talk about how you can avoid ankle injury and chat over some common preventative methods such as strapping – does it really help and how and when should you use it?

Some are put off seeking further treatment by the thought of a lengthy layoff during recovery but Prof Mackay touches on more modern treatments available which can mean an accelerated recovery these days.

If you need to know more about ankle injuries download this episode of Surgical Goals today. 


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